Red clover

Red clover

Red clover

Peman Seeds > Red clover

Leguminosa perenne de porte erecto y hojas grandes. Presenta buena tolerancia al sobrepastoreo, alto valor nutritivo y excelente poder de rebrote. Su pico de producción se concentra en pimavera, verano y otoño y es una gran fijadora de nitrógeno.

Technical table

NameRed clover


Greater than 850
Type Of Soil
Medium to heavy textured soils, slightly acidic. fertile
Sowing Rate


Pure: 8 to 10. Associated: 3 to 5
Dry Matter Production


5 to 6
Sowing Time
End of summer to mid-autumn / end of spring
Direct grazing in associations with grasses, haymaking

Technical table

Red clover


Greater than 850
Type Of Soil
Medium to heavy textured soils, slightly acidic. fertile
Sowing Rate


Pure: 8 to 10. Associated: 3 to 5
Dry Matter Production


5 to 6
Sowing Time
End of summer to mid-autumn / end of spring
Direct grazing in associations with grasses, haymaking

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